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Research Study Announcement: Adolescent and Young Adult Gender Dysphoria Outcomes Study (AYAGDOS).

The Adolescent and Young Adult Gender Dysphoria Outcomes Study (AYAGDOS) is open for recruitment. The purpose of this research is to learn about gender dysphoria in youth (13-21 years of age) with a focus on psychological well-being, family factors, sexual orientation, health care, and the course of gender dysphoria over time. We hope to enroll pairs of family members–one gender dysphoric youth and one of their parents/guardians–to complete a series of separate online surveys over a period of five years. However, participation of both family members is not required. Gender dysphoric youth can participate without involving their parents, and parents of gender dysphoric youth can participate without involving their gender dysphoric child. An eligibility screening interview will be conducted by video conference call for the first potential participant from the same family to contact the research team. Research participation requires completing an Internet survey, is voluntary, and is not compensated.

For more information and to schedule a screening interview, please visit the study website: WWW.AYAGDOS.ORG.. The study Investigators are J. Michael Bailey (Principal Investigator); Lisa Littman (Principal Investigator); and Kenneth J. Zucker (Co-Investigator). The Northwestern University IRB Study Number is STU00215665 and the BRANY IRB Study Number is 22-076-1188. Contact the research team at

12/18/2020. Gender: a Wider Lens podcast covers the topic of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria--Gender: a Wider Lens Podcast

Activists claim that ROGD is not a real thing yet some parents insist that ROGD perfectly describes something that they’re seeing in their teenagers...

12/18/2020. Gender: a Wider Lens podcast covers the topic of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.

Gender: A Wider Lens is a new podcast series that explores gender, identity, and transition from a psychological perspective. In episode 2, “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria”, practicing therapists Stella O’Malley and Sasha Ayad engage in a fascinating conversation where they explore the topic, share their experiences of working with teens with adolescent-onset gender questioning, and provide context from other generations and cultures.

04/10/2020. Sasha Ayad and I spoke with Benjamin Boyce about gender dysphoria

04/10/2020. Sasha Ayad and I spoke with Benjamin Boyce about gender dysphoria